Thursday, August 1, 2013

130 MPH, and tire pressure

One of the nice things about driving a performance car in the west is the wide open spaces. On a rare occasion, as you top a hill on a deserted two-lane, you will get a view of a nice, straight, stretch of highway, with no other cars. It's times like this that we have the chance to let the horses loose. I had one such day, a couple weeks ago. The Mustang hit 130 MPH on several stretches of this particular highway. The car could have done plenty more, but that was the limit I was willing to do, considering highway condition, and space available to get back down to the legal speed, before approaching the next hill or curve.
That brings me to my subject for today, tire pressure. How often do you check yours? Maybe you won't be doing 130 MPH any time soon, but how about when you're doing 80 on the freeway, and that emergency happens right in front of you. You have to instantly use all the driving skills you can muster, just to brake and steer your vehicle  and avoid the problem. With your tires inflated to the proper pressure, this will greatly affect the handling of your vehicle. I keep the pressure of SUV's ( or vans) at 1 or 2 #'s above what's listed on the drivers door frame decal. On my performance cars, equipped with performance tires, I use the exact decal pressure.
The highway where I hit 130 MPH a couple weeks ago.

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