Friday, February 14, 2014

Show Your Mustang

Many of us "car ehthusiasts" like to take our pride-and-joy to car shows. We get to rub sholders with other like-minded people, share our love of cars with them, and present our passion to the general public. It's great to answer questions, share car stories, and let our enthusiasm rub off on those people interrested enough to walk through a car show. Especially the young people who show an interrest in cars. Over the years I have noticed that some cars attract a lot more attention than others. They stand out in a crowd, even when surrounded by other similar vehicles. One such car for me was our yellow 1999 Mustang GT. I would see people comming down a line of similar cars, looking them over as they go, then skip over the last few and walk up to make a closer inspection of my car. The color was very bright and different than the typical colors around, and that was a big part of it. I also spend more time than some at detailing my car, once it's parked in my spot at a show. That can make a difference too. If you have a cool car, take it to a show, and share your passion with the public.
My yellow 1999 Mustang GT.

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