He was impressed enough with my performance that he asked me if I thought I could do that all the way back home. I said I thought I could, so he agreed we could give it a try. I stood back up on the seat of the jeep, he got back on the tractor, and we were off. It must have taken us at least a half hour to get back to the house at the slow speed we were traveling, but I did just fine. Granddad was happy, and relayed the story to Mom and Dad when they got home later that afternoon.
Mom got out the camera and took a picture of me in the jeep to remember the event, (the photo you see below). That story was retold many times for years. That was my first driving experience, and I was 4 years old at the time.
That's me in Granddad's jeep pickup in 1954. |
It gives me hives having Caden driving more than a few yards...and he's 15! I can't imagine letting a four year old drive!! That is the coolest story. My Grandpa let me steer all the time. I felt pretty cool when he would. Your story tops mine!