There is one reality that keeps running through my mind, the same as it has for the major part of my adult life; "you better be enjoying every day, doing something you love as often as possible, because we never know how long this life will last.". None of us should look back on our life as an old person and think; "I should have had more fun in my life".
If you love the outdoors, get out there more. If you love playing music, or singing, do it. If you're a sports fan, go to that "big game" and watch your favorite team play, or play the game yourself. If you're a car enthusiast, drive a car that you enjoy. Go to the car shows and associate with like minded people. It may be the road less traveled, but it will be worth the trip.
What ever you do, don't forget to share it with the younger generation. We live in a turbulent world. The young people need something good to look forward to. Help them find a way to have some fun in their lives as well. These are the things I wish for my kids, and grand kids.
Many readers of this blog have also checked out my book. You can read sample pages at; "Grab Some Gears"
My current passion, my 2015 Mustang GT, on the streets of our Southern Utah home town. |