Friday, March 27, 2020

Spending Time Alone

With a worldwide virus attacking us from every direction, the medical advisors are telling us to stay away from people to help us stay healthy. For many people, spending time alone is hard to do. For me, it’s just the opposite, I’m a loner, and always have been.
I’ve never had a problem finding something to keep me busy when spending time alone. Maybe the time has come for me to share some ideas with the rest of the world. Many “car guys” already know what I’m talking about.
Spending time in the garage, with your favorite car, can be very relaxing and time well spent. There is always something that can be accomplished, even if it’s just a little cleaning and lite detailing. Just put on your favorite music, pick up a clean towel and a bottle of spray detailer, and time will slip away.
Good place to spend some time. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Saint Patrick’s Day

Everyone is anxious to show their green today in support of Saint Patrick’s Day, whether or not they have any Irish in their ancestry. That is also true for many of the car enthusiasts who post on Twitter and Facebook. There is no shortage of green vehicle photos on social media today.
I have to admit that I’m part of that group. There is no shortage of green cars in my Twitter posts today. One of those photos is one of my favorite, and not just because of the color. I’m proud to share it here today on my blog.
Beautiful green Cobra (Twitter photo). 

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Our Place in Life

How many years have you spent doing whatever needed to be done, to have a good job, to build a good life for your family, and all the time wishing you could be some place else? Maybe there is a great vacation spot, that you wish could be your permanent home. Maybe it’s a place you travel through occasionally, and wonder what it would be like to live there every day.
That was my situation ten years ago, and we bought a vacation home, and started planning for the day when we could retire, and make it our permanent home. Six years ago, everything fell into place, and it became a reality.  Now, as I look back, it seems that every thing that happened through out my life was just working to get to this place in life.  
I greatly appreciate this beautiful area of the world that we have come to live in.  I love the climate, and the landscape of this part of the country is something out of a travel magazine.  I’m very happy with our place in life. 
The kind of views we can enjoy in our place in life.