Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Road is Calling

Over the last few years, I have spent a lot of time on the road, attending to various matters in our families lives. I was making almost weekly trips between Northern and Southern Utah, from the time we bought our southern house until we moved down here as our primary home. I got to know that portion of I-15 by heart.
 About the the time that happened, family issues had us making the 930 mile road trip to Washington State on a pretty regular basis. Over the next four years, I got to know those roads, through those four states ( Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington ), like the back of my hand. And, I made that trip more times than I can remember, in every kind of weather you can imagine.
All that driving was no problem, I have always loved to drive. It didn't take long before I had a picture in my mind, of every hill and valley, and each country side vista, of the entire trip.  It's always been that way with me, for every road I have traveled more than a couple of times, since I was a teenager.
Now that various situations in our lives have kept us home more over the last couple years, I miss the road. Every once in awhile, something will remind me, and I see those pictures in my mind, of a portion of a road I haven't traveled in awhile. It's like the road is calling me. I'm looking forward to the day that I will get back out there again.
A portion of highway 59,  here in Southern Utah,  that I have traveled many times.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

We Would Never Have Believed

If somebody from the future would have visited us 30 or 40 years ago, and tried to explain the technology we use today, we would never have believed it.  We may not even have understood what they were talking about, even when they tried to explain it.
I sometimes wonder, if I could talk to my Dad, or Grandfather, who were car guys to some degree, and have been gone for many years, could I even explain our cars of today. And, the cars are only a small part of it. We live with technology, playing a big part of every aspect of our lives today.
Knowing what we live with today, think of what might be 10 or 20 years into the future. Now I can't even believe myself, the stuff we still have coming will amaze us, no doubt.
Anyone interested can check out my book by following this link; Grab Some Gears
Me at age 16, checking out my Mom's new 66 Mustang.