Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Next Shelby

The photos and details are all over the social media automotive sources the last few weeks. It’s the 2020 Shelby GT 500, and all us Mustang fans are pretty excited about it. That is especially true for us former Shelby owners. The prospect of over 700 horsepower surely adds to the excitement.
My last GT 500 was a 2007 model, and was tuned to to about 575 horsepower. That was more power than most performance cars on the roads today, but the idea of over 700 is still something most of us would love to experience. Let’s keep looking at all the beautiful photos, and keep on dreaming.
The next Shelby GT 500.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Ready for Spring

It has been a long, cold, winter for many parts of the country. Here in Southern Utah, we usually don't have to worry about snow and ice on the roads, and our weather is usually a lot warmer than our northern neighbors. But even here in the sunny southwest, we have had plenty of cool and wet days in the past couple weeks. I'm ready for spring, even though we have about a month of winter left.
Being a car guy, there is a lot of things I would like to be doing, if it were just a little warmer.  Everyone has their version of "spring cleaning", and that applies to car chores too. After a season of cooler days, and all the craziness of the holidays, our cars tend to be a bit neglected. They need a good vacuuming and a good wash job, and that's just the starting point. They also need a good wax job, and some quality wheel cleaning, and tire shine treatment. That's the kind of stuff I'm anxious to do, especially since I have a nice new garage to do it in.
Car enthusiasts should check out my book, just follow this link: Grab Some Gears
Lets keep that snow on the distant mountains, I'm ready for spring.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

The New “Darwin’s Garage”

We have spent the last week moving into our new home. It has been a lot of work, but it’s finally complete. The last task I had to complete was moving everything that was to go in the garage. We had to give the epoxy coating on the floor plenty of time to cure properly.
The most enjoyable part for me was decorating the garage with all the automotive signs and memorabilia I have collected over the years. The organizing and putting everything in it’s proper place is also a very relaxing and enjoyable task for me.
Now maybe I can just relax, slow down, and start really enjoying this new home. On second thought, I now have two cars to get cleaned up after a week of neglect and rainy weather.  A car guy’s work is never done, and now I have a very nice place to do it. 😎
Just a glimpse of the new garage.
Another angle.