Friday, October 27, 2017

Obsessions and Distractions

When we have a hobby we love, it often becomes an obsession, taking up all the time we can spare, every chance we get. Sometimes our obsessions can also be a much needed distraction, when the realities of life start to weigh us down, and we just need a break.
That's what my cars are to me, especially when the stresses of life start to become just too much. A day spent cleaning, detailing, and polishing, can be very good and relaxing therapy. Then a drive in that perfectly clean and polished muscle car can finish off a day well spent.
I always want my cars to look their best anyway, even if it's just a last minute cleaning before a trip, or to clean up after a rainy day. If my cars, or garage, are in need of cleaning, it just adds to the stresses of everyday life, and I surly don't want any more of that.
Our lives have been particularly stressful over the last few months, and those times I have spent with my cars have been a great value to me. A much needed distraction. Now, hopefully, they can get back to just being my favorite obsession.
Readers of my blog, or my followers on Facebook and Twitter, may be interested in checking out my book at: "Grab Some Gears"
My obsession,  my 2015 Mustang GT , in the beautiful country near my home in Southern Utah.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Not Enough Time

When we loose someone we love, we realize that we didn't get enough time with them. Those times we did get, become very precious memories, that we will cherish for the rest of our lives.
 We lost a grandson to cancer a couple weeks ago, and just got home yesterday from the long drive to the funeral and back. I had many hours to think about Caden, and what a great young man he was. We have known for some time that we were going to loose him, and we savored the time we got to spend with him and his family.
The accomplishments he made in the last few months are remarkable, as his family made every effort to make sure he could have every possible life experience he could have in the time he had left. Many others were there to help. Friends, neighbors, church members, class mates, extended family, and countless others were there to join in. The outpouring of love and support was remarkable.
He enjoyed life right up to the last couple days, then said his goodbyes to his family, gave precious gifts to his brothers and sisters, and passed on from this earthly life.
We all miss him greatly. As I think back on the time spent with him, no mater how much it was, it just was not enough time.
Our Caden, just a couple weeks before he passed away.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Missing Caden

A few days ago, my grandson Caden passed away after battling cancer for almost 4 years. He was just 16 years old, and an outstanding young man, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who knew him.
He was just 12 years old when he was sent to Seattle Children's Hospital by Life-Flight plane, and in the weeks that followed, the first cancer was removed, along with 3/4 of his liver. That was the first of many trips to that hospital over the last few years. He bounced back from several surgeries and chemo treatments, and accomplished many mile-stones in his young life. In the last few months we found out he was fighting his last fight. The cancer was back, worse than ever, and there was nothing left that could be done. His time was running out.
We were up to visit Caden and his family in August, and he was still busy living life to the fullest. On the afternoon before we came home, Caden took me for a ride in the 77 Bronco that he loved to drive. Manual transmission, big tires, V8 engine and all, not the easiest vehicle to drive, but he handled it like a pro. That was our Caden.  He will be greatly missed.
Caden  Randy  Dirks     May 15 2001 - October 4 2017