Monday, January 27, 2020

US Air Force

Yesterday marked 50 years since I became a member of the United States military.  On January 26th. of the year 1970 , I joined the US Air Force , and flew off to start basic training in Texas.
I spent four years as an air traffic controller, at Luke Air Force Base west of Phoenix, Arizona. The Vietnam war was ragging at the time, but my number never came up, and I didn’t get sent to that country.  I am proud to be a Vietnam era Veteran.
After my four year enlistment was over, I ended up back in Northern Utah. The commander of the local Army National Guard unit offered me a promotion to put my military experience to work for them, so I spent three more years as a communication specialist in the Army.
My years in the military taught me many life lessons, that have served me well ever since.
Me, as a 19 year old US Air Force recruit. 

Friday, January 17, 2020

50 Years

Yesterday was our 50th. wedding anniversary.  Jackie and I were married 50 years ago in Phoenix, Arizona. Wow, where did all that time go?
Some things seem like they happened so long ago, and others seem like only yesterday. I guess that's the way with most things we are remembering after many years have past.
In this day and age, a couple still together after 50 years is kind of a rare thing. I'm very proud of what we have accomplished in this life. I love that lady so much, I can't imagine my life any other way.
Jackie , The love of my life,  in 1969 before see moved to Phoenix.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

In the year 2020

“In the year 2020”  sounds like a line from some old time-travel movie we might have seen many years ago. Well, it finally happened, we now find ourselves living the year 2020. The future has arrived.
Now that we’re here, what great things can we accomplish in our lives this year?  We get a new start every new year, but somehow this year seems a little more special to me. Maybe because Jackie and I are celebrating our 50th. anniversary next week, or maybe because I have my 70th. birthday later this year, something is a little different about 2020.
With all these life milestones happening, I think I should be celebrating with a new Shelby GT 500. That sounds like a great way to keep me young.  Kind of a time machine.  Ok, maybe that would be a stretch, but could be a lot of fun.
Cruise into the future in a new 2020 Shelby GT 500. (Twitter photo)