Thursday, June 27, 2019


Last week I went over 5000 on the number of followers on my Twitter page. That's not a big deal for a lot of people, especially famous people. But, for an average car guy from down the block, it seems like quite a few.
That got me wondering who all these people are, and why are they following me? I guess it's for the same reason I follow the people I do, they must have some of the same interests, and enjoy seeing the photos I post. That's the reason I follow the people I do. I don't really know much about most of these people, but, the few that I am more acquainted with, I feel we could be friends in "real life".
Over the years I have been posting on social media, I have been making an effort to improve the quality of the media I post. That's what I enjoy about the pictures I see that others have put out there, and I try to constantly improve the quality of the photos I post on my page.
Anyone familiar with my work knows that I am a "car guy", so that's mostly what I post. Very seldom you will see other subject matter appearing on my pages, but, I will try to keep any of that high photographic quality as well.
(Random photo from unknown Twitter source).

Friday, June 7, 2019

Time Machine

Does anyone know how many books and movies have been produced that have included the subject of time travel?  There have been many, and the "Back to the Future" stories are some of the most popular in recent years.
The idea of a time machine has been around for hundreds of years, but especially in the 20th. century. We all may wonder what we would go back and change, or travel to the future to see, if we had such a machine. In the books and movies, something usually goes wrong in those adventures, and if we could actually time travel in real life, I'm sure we would mess things up somehow.
The closest thing I have to a time machine is my modern muscle car. In this world of millions of mass produced transportation appliances clogging our streets, my car at least reminds me of times gone by. Driving it makes me remember why I fell in love with muscle cars over 50 years ago. And, if only for a few moments at a time, I'm a teenager again.
Anyone who wants to know where my story began, follow this link and check out my book; Grab Some Gears
My time machine,  just making the leap,  into the future.